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Privacy Policy


Our website maintains the minimum personal data necessary for smooth navigation and communication with the user, fully compliant with legislation and GDPR.

The Privacy Policy aims to help you understand why we collect your personal data and how we use it. We hope everyone takes the time to read it carefully. This policy applies to all of you who use our services through applications or our website.

Our Company’s Privacy Policy on Personal Data Protection provides detailed information on when and why we collect your personal data, how we use and process it, and how long we retain it.

The private limited company named “MY PROPERTIES IKE” is committed to protecting the Personal Data disclosed to it, from any source [e.g., via mail, fax, business cards, tax forms, the company’s website, as well as other websites, databases, etc.], in accordance with Law 2472/1997 on Personal Data Protection, as amended and in force, and in compliance with European Regulation No. 679/2016 on Data Protection and national law 4624/2019.

The personal data usually collected by the company includes contact details, identification details, and financial information, such as: name, phone number, email, tax domicile address, VAT number, and tax office, provided these have been entered through the website’s contact form for communication with you.

The company ensures the legal and appropriate process for protecting and maintaining the confidentiality of Personal Data received, including preventing any unauthorized access to such data and the equipment used for their processing or archiving.

For the purposes of this policy, the term “data subjects” includes all natural persons whose Personal Data we hold (a data subject is the individual associated with the term “Personal Data”).

Your Personal Data, collected through the aforementioned means, is received and processed exclusively for purposes such as the signing of a cooperation agreement with our company, safeguarding transaction security, ensuring your personal safety, and generally for internal use by our company. Additionally, your email address is collected to ensure you receive our offers and news first, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 EU. Our company guarantees that your Personal Data will not be used for purposes other than those mentioned in this policy without your prior notification and, where required, your consent. We do not share personal data with third parties not affiliated with us unless it is necessary for our legitimate professional purposes and business needs, in order to respond to your requests, and/or as required or permitted by law.
We are committed to keeping your personal data in a secure location with controlled access for as long as necessary. You may request the deletion of your personal data within a shorter timeframe, which we will comply with, subject to the verification of the legal basis.

We do not transfer your personal data to third parties, except to those with whom we collaborate and who are necessary or facilitate the provision of our services to you, always under conditions that fully ensure that your personal data is not subject to any illegal processing, meaning processing other than the purpose of the transmission as outlined above. We inform you that the aforementioned categories of recipients of your personal data act as data processors on our behalf and, as such, do not process your data beyond the aforementioned transmission purposes. In any case, our company will not sell or otherwise transfer or disclose personal data of the visitors/users of its website to third parties, except for the aforementioned, without the explicit consent of the visitor/user, except in the application of relevant legal directives, if required by a court order or decision of another public authority, and only to the competent authorities.

In any case, the company takes the necessary measures to ensure that all transmitted personal data receive an acceptable level of protection.

In the event of outsourcing data processing to third parties and/or transferring data to countries outside the European Union, the company will inform the data subject in advance and ensure that appropriate safeguards for the protection of personal data are provided and that the appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented in terms of expertise, reliability, and resources, in such a way that processing is lawful and the protection of the data subjects’ rights and an appropriate level of security against risks are ensured.


The company implements reasonable technical and organizational security policies and procedures to protect personal data and information from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction.

Furthermore, we strive to ensure that access to your personal data is limited to those who need to know it. Individuals who have access to the data are required to maintain the confidentiality of these data.


I. Access your data.
II. Review your personal information that we retain.
III. Correct any inaccurate/incomplete information and supplement any incomplete information.
IV. Request the deletion (right to be forgotten) of your personal data or the restriction of its processing.
V. Restrict the processing of your data.
VI. Data portability.

We handle your requests with the utmost care to ensure that your rights are protected. In any case, we may ask you for identification details to verify that we do not disclose your personal information to anyone else.

You should be aware that, in certain cases (due, for example, to legal obligations), we may not be able to immediately fulfill your request. However, in any case, we will inform you about the progress of your request within one month of its submission.

You always have the right to lodge a complaint with Mr. Alexandros Nikolopoulos, who is the Data Protection Officer of the company under the name “MY PROPERTIES IKE,” providing your full details and the reason for your communication with the company.


You can withdraw your consent granted to our company for the processing and disclosure of your Personal Data at any time. However, please understand that this withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal, as well as processing carried out due to our company’s legal obligations.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, please inform Mr. Alexandros Nikolopoulos (Data Protection Officer of “MY PROPERTIES IKE”) by submitting a Responsible Declaration signed by the applicant. You can also send a Physical Letter to the headquarters of “MY PROPERTIES IKE” at Mouzaki, Karditsa, Dimarchou Vasileiou Antoniou Street No. 102, always stating your full details and the reason for your communication with the company.

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